When it comes to your health, AIM high!
Targeted Treatment Plans Formulated with Only You in Mind.

When it comes to healthcare, you should not be considered simply a number, or a member of some medically-defined population group. You are wonderfully unique. Our AIMD℠ approach affords your healthcare provider with tools to deliver treatments that will be targeted and individualized to you.
In formulating your plan, we extensively analyze all of your relevant medical factors—which include age, gender, medical history, diet, food and drug sensitivities, metabolic levels and genetics–and calibrate your treatment plan with precision, precisely for you. We call this our AIMD℠ approach:
- Azena
- Individualized
- Medical
- Directive
What makes us different, is our realization that you are different. So when it comes to your health, AIM high. We do!
Specific Services
At this time, our AIMD℠ analytical and formulation services are only available through our affiliated AZENA Health & Longevity clinics. Contact AZENA, and see what our AIMD℠ approach can deliver for you.